Health of the Heart: Cardiovascular Diseases You Need to Know About

Health 2015-10-14 1011

Our heart has a fairly important job to complete in our bodies. Defined as the muscular organ in charge of pumping blood so that every limb and organ can get enough, the heart is quite a big deal. Built to be able to get blood through the arteries and veins, it is divided in four chambers. These are the atriums and ventricles, two for each side. The whole process is a give and take so as to make sure nothing goes through a long period of time without the proper amount of blood.

Now that you understand just how vital our heart is, you should know that there are many specific diseases that deteriorate and destroy it easily. These specific ailments or conditions only damage the circulatory system, so basically ruin your entire well being. Your body would not work as it does if it weren’t for the veins, arteries, capillaries and the heart doing their jobs and maintaining a balance as long as you live.

Let’s start off with the pipelines. They are the ones in charge of doing most of the activity, allowing for the passage of blood along with all its nutrients and oxygen. This is why any damage to them is a cause of serious worry for anyone. These pipelines are divided into three groups, known otherwise as the veins, capillaries and the arteries. Their job descriptions are pretty simple: the veins are in charge of picking up anything harmful or unneeded in the body, such as carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, the arteries are the ones that transport the goodies everywhere, those being oxygen and the nutrients for the organs and muscles.

Then what do the capillaries work on? It’s quite simple really. They are in charge of gas exchange at a cellular level. This is what helps the blood reach every single are of the body without fail. Alright, technically speaking nothing of this is easy but our body does it naturally and without interruption or aid. Our whole being and efficiency rests in these tiny pipelines we do not see or hear from for the most part and they deliver excellently every time.

Alright so we can understand how the heart works and how crucial the pipelines are. All that is left is to know the natural enemies of these workers and prevent them from harming us in any way possible.

The most recognizable issue brought up with arteries and veins is that they can become clogged up, impeding the pass and flow of their work. Grease and corroding agents are the ones in charge of producing this effect and are usually made up of cholesterol and smoke.

Cholesterol, Smoking and High Blood Pressure

Okay, going back to the agents and grease now, the biggest one in charge of the assault is cholesterol. We do need an intake of this compound but our consumption of it has gotten out of hand over the years. We tend to get much more than what we need every day and thus clog up our pipelines. It may sound strange but it is just a simple law at work. Nothing in excess is ever good for you. What can you do to stop it and increase your chances of a healthy, enjoyable life? Control what you eat and live on a diet according to your body and lifestyle.

A good amount of exercise is excellent too so try to get that in your days as well. Other than that, the biggest thing to avoid is smoking. It isn’t helping you in any way so why keep it around? The only real product left behind by smoke is elevated blood pressure and damaged lungs. Plaques form on the linings of the arteries and I can assure you that you do not want that to happen at all if possible. These kinds of things are what later on lead to strokes or heart attacks.

Types of Cardiovascular Diseases

The number of categories is quite vast but these are the ones you should know and understand the most about. If you see that I have not mentioned what to avoid or stay away from for the disease, it means that a good diet, exercise regime and cuts on smoking and drinking will do the biggest service to you in helping you stay away from them.

  • Cardiac arrhythmia: A set of irregularities that first become present in the heart beats by low or fast beats; these are the gateway to much larger complications.
  • Inflammatory heart disease: Shown on various layers of the heart, this is an abnormal inflammation of the muscles of the heart. This is mostly caused by virus, bacteria, fungi, parasites and other toxic materials found in everyday things like water, air and food.
  • Hypertension or High Blood Pressure: It is an unusual increase of blood flow, creating dangerous situations for the heart.
  • Congenital heart disease: This one is by far known only to be produced by a genetic problem that can be known from birth.
  • Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease: This condition has its origin from the accumulation of plaques and makes the blood flow increasingly harder and more of a strain on the heart.
  • Hypertensive heart disease: A second or higher level of hypertension, it has the same effects in an extended version.

All of these can be fairly debilitating, annoying and just plain hard to live with. Although there are some exceptions that just cannot be avoided, most of them can be prevented with better care of your body and habits. It is never too late to start making a change on what you are and how you live your life. These diseases take a considerable amount of lives every year. Let’s all try to lower that number little by little and seek out for a better future for everyone.

Watch your cholesterol amount, enjoy life, go out and try new things. The world is filled with beautiful people and places that you need to see. Don’t let bad choices stop you from seeing that. Save your heart, save yourself.
